Job advice


A review of hirings and dismissals – December 2022

Over the past month, some companies have laid off a large number of employees, while hirings and job openings have been announced by others. Balance sheet. Hiring Following the recent national partnership established with Best Buy, Purolator is hiring 1,200 new employees across the country to provide a more efficient delivery service, particularly on weekends […]

Rights and labour standards

The right to disconnect: Quebec’s turn soon?

About five years after France adopted a law on the right to disconnect, a first Canadian province has legislated on it. Since June 2nd, Ontario businesses with 25 or more employees are required to have a written disconnection policy – a first in North America. Effectively, the Ontario law defines disconnection as follows: “Not transmitting […]


A review of hirings and dismissals – November 2022

Some companies have recently laid off large numbers of their employees, while others have announced new job openings. Balance sheet. HIRES Currently in an intensive recruitment period, Revenu Québec has announced that around 100 positions are currently available (French version only) in several sectors of activity, including customer service, information technology, accounting and law. The City […]


Their career is no longer a priority for young people

Career no longer seems to be the priority for the majority of new generation job seekers. Work-life balance is now more important than ever, according to the recent Working Together survey, from the Regroupement des jeunes chambres de commerce du Québec (RJCCQ).   It is also one of the main criteria for both current employees […]

Oddly enough

Quiet quitting: is Quebec immune to this phenomenon?

In the United States, more than 50% of the workforce might be practising quiet quitting, a trend where people  do the bare minimum in order to satisfy the expectations of their managers, no more and no less. This was revealed in June by a study conducted by the Gallup polling firm. Since July, this pattern […]


Report on hirings and dismissals – September 2022: Employment remains stable

The number of jobs changed little in September, according to data from Statistics Canada’s most recent Labor Force Survey. After declining in August, employment rose very slightly. Among young women aged 15 to 24, it fell for a second consecutive month. However, it increased in the category of young men and among women aged 25 […]

Jobs search

Montreal National Job Fair – October 13 & 14, 2022

This is the 16th edition of The National Job Fair in Montreal. The National Job Fair will be held, this year again, in the spectacular exhibition hall of the he Olympic Stadium. Visitors will be able to find companies from sectors as varied as aeronautics, pharmaceuticals, education, government services, health, transport, security … Free admission for the […]


Spotlight on the “Great Resignation”

In the last two years, a phenomenon has shaken up the world of work in the United States: The Great Resignation. This trend, which is much smaller in Quebec, is reflected by waves of departures and career changes.     Coined by Anthony Klotz, a professor at University College London School of Management, the term “Great […]


A review of hirings and dismissals – August 2022 : the unemployment rate is rising

Employment fell by 40,000 in August, according to data from Statistics Canada’s most recent Labor Force Survey. This decline in employment mainly concerns young women aged 15 to 24 and people aged 55 to 64. It has been observed in British Columbia, Manitoba and Nova Scotia. The most affected sectors are educational services, which suffered […]


CV: Should you emphasize your remote work capability?

This practice gained ground during lockdown, and has attracted many workers since then. Job seekers prefer to leave scheduled office hours for the flexibility of working from home. However, mentioning the experience of remote work in a CV is not common practice. Should this data be emphasized with recruiters? In the past two years, the majority of […]

Rights and labour standards

Workplace harassment: should it be reported?

Are you a victim of psychological or sexual harassment at work but hesitate to report it for fear of alienating your colleagues? Or do you worry that this will not be enough to stop the harassment? Here is a small process to deal with these situations. Perhaps you believe that it is not legitimate to act against […]


A review of hirings and dismissals for August 2022 – little change in employment last month

According to the most recent data compiled by Statistics Canada’s Labor Force Survey, employment did not change significantly during the month of July. The unemployment rate stabilized at 4.9%, a record low recorded last June. The number of unemployed people was also little changed, standing at 1 million in July. Over the past month, the […]

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